Volunteer & Donation Opportunities
All volunteers will be asked to complete a Volunteer Orientation Session. This is a 1 to 2 hour group session that covers Turning Point policies and procedures. During this session, a tour of the shelter will be given, and this will be an excellent time to discuss any questions about Turning Point’s Volunteer Program. Prior to the session, Turning Point asks that volunteers undergo a BCI (background check) at their own expense. Turning Point will reimburse the cost of the BCI check after the volunteer has completed 20 hours of volunteering within 6 months of the receipt of the completed check.
For more information or to volunteer, please fill out our volunteer form.

If you are interested in volunteering for Turning Point, there are many possible volunteer opportunities available.
Individual Opportunities:
- Social Media Advocate
- Shelter Coordinator Assistant
- Children’s Area Maintenance
- Literature Distribution: Positions available in Crawford, Marion, Morrow, Union, or Wyandot Counties
- Spring/Fall Yard Cleanup
Group Opportunities:
- Meals to Heal: volunteer to donate meals to our emergency shelter residents
- Host a Collection Drive and Raise Awareness

The average family we serve consists of a mother and two children. It costs an average of $11,000 a month to shelter and provide support services to each Turning Point family.
Gifts will be used to support Turning Point’s services to victims of domestic violence by providing safety, shelter, guidance and advocacy. For additional information contact Jenise Lefevre, at (740) 382-8988 or email jlefevre@turningpoint6.org
Financial donations are essential to Turning Point. Without these donations, many of the services we provide to survivors and our education and outreach in the community, would not be possible. To make a donation, please click the link below. Or if you would prefer to donate by check: Turning Point, PO Box 875, Marion, OH 43301-0875.
Fed Tax ID # 31-0935117

If you are interested in donating to Turning Point, here are some opportunities to get involved.
In-Kind Donations
Turning Point has many organizations and individuals who wish to support our families by donating items from our Needs List. To the left is a downloadable list of general items needed. You may also see a list of current items needed on our AmazonSmile Wish List at bit.ly/TPDVAmazonSmile or our Walmart Registry for Good at bit.ly/WalmartTPDV.
Due to liability, health and safety concerns, our agency is unable to accept televisions, appliance, large furniture items, computers, printers, car seats, cribs, mattresses, used bedding and pillows.
If you have any questions, feel free to call (740) 382-8988 or email info@turningpoint6.org.
- Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags
- Large Trash Bags
- Paper Towels
- Household Cleaners
- Personal Care Items
- Body Wash
- Batteries
- Grocery Gift Cards
- Grocery Gift Cards
- Gas Gift Cards
- Women’s New Socks
- Women’s New Underwear
- Women’s New Pajamas (XS – 3X)
- Copy Paper
- Postal Stamps
* Please note that used clothing (out-of-season/not on current needs list, stuffed animals, and other fabric related items can be donated to Goodwill. We have a relationship with them that allows our clients to gather needed items with a voucher provided by our staff. Thank you!

Amazon Smile
You shop. Amazon gives. Select Turning Point when shopping on Amazon.com and they’ll donate 0.5% of your purchase back to us!
From your desktop, go to Your Account from the navigation at the top of any page, and then select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page.
Search for: Concerned Citizens Against Violence Against Women Inc.
To sign up, click the button below or visit smile.amazon.com on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
Cell Phone/Smart Phone Donations
Please donate your old cell/smart phones to Turning Point. We will clear the information for you (if you have not) and they are used as 911 safety phones for our clients. We also donate them to an outside agency that specializes in cell phone recycling for domestic violence shelters and we receive funds to benefit the shelter. Thank you for your cell phone donation!